Why we should not skip breakfast?

Posted by Socheata V on


Why we should not skip breakfast?

Although breakfast is an important meal of the day, a lot of individuals seem to miss it, and occasionally they feel proud in doing so since they believe they may save more money. They assumed that skipping breakfast is normal because they could make it up later to the lunch or dinner. Actually, people should take 3 meals a day including morning, afternoon, and evening. Especially, breakfast which acts as an important actor throughout the whole day. Some people often excuse that they do not have enough time for breakfast because there are more important businesses out there. But you should acknowledge that breakfast could affect your whole performance and mood.

What are the advantages of breakfast?

-reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes -boost energy
-increase heart health
-improve productivity

-stomach in a good state

Is eating breakfast a waste of time?

If you are one of those who usually skip breakfast, it is your sign to drop that bad habit. It only takes less than 30mns for breakfast preparation and plus it is not a waste of time in the sake of your health. All you need to do is wake up early and cook your favorite dish. Breakfast is minimal and variety and you can just choose convenience foods that high in nutrient such as yogurt, cereal grain, bread, potato, milk, rice, porridge along with coffee or soymilk. That would be it. It sounds like a small portion of meal but you have no idea how greatly it could impact your body as you should not leave your stomach empty in the morning.

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